Xcel EDA Program

Energetics is extremely proud to be a provider of Xcel Energy’s Energy Design Assistance (EDA) program.

What is EDA?

The EDA program uses energy modeling to help design teams make decisions about their buildings to reduce operating costs and optimize building performance. Xcel pays cash incentives to owners for energy saved and design teams to cover their time in participating. Energetics is an approved provider of the EDA program and will be your energy consultant and direct contact throughout the process.

How do the incentives work?

  • Owner incentives are paid based on modeled energy savings ($250/kW, $0.02-0.08/kWh, $4/Dth natural gas). Most projects receive rebates in the range of $0.25 – $1.00 per square foot, which is paid at construction completion.
  • Design team incentives are based on project size and range from $4,000 – $12,000, paid when energy modeling is complete.
  • Projects should target 15% demand savings relative to ASHRAE 90.1-2007 (or your local code, whichever is more stringent) to achieve the full incentive (99% of projects are successful meeting this target).

Who qualifies?

  • Projects must be within Xcel Electric territory.
  • Projects must be early in design – Schematic Design or early Design Development.
  • Commercial and Residential:  50,000 square foot minimum

What does it cost?

There is usually no cost for projects over ~200,000 square feet. Projects under 200,000 square feet may need to enter into a contract with Energetics for an upfront payment, all or most of which will be reimbursed at construction completion. Contact us for a quote.

What is the time commitment?  Will it slow down my project?

There are three official EDA meetings (about an hour each), which can coincide with other design team meetings. The meetings and modeling process are timed such that they flow with your design process and will not slow you down.

We also use Xcel’s “Express” track for projects that need to move faster than typical projects. This allows us to turn around results in as little as a few days.

Can EDA help a project needing energy code compliance modeling, or a 3rd party certification like LEED or Enterprise Green Communities?

Yes!  Through our analysis, we will provide guidance to help you meet all of your energy goals.  Projects targeting a higher level of energy savings for LEED or other certifications may qualify for the Enhanced track of EDA, which provides additional energy analysis (HVAC, daylighting, massing, and lighting), and may also pay for documentation of the LEED and/or EGC energy credit.

How do we get started?

Contact Elizabeth Gillmor at [email protected] or 303-876-7655 with any additional questions, or to get your application started.